When we recommend using a common link:
Avoid whitelisting
Unknown scope of population
Validate legitimacy of effort (directly send from manager)
Difficulty capturing user list or segmentation data
Things to note with common link:
Segmentation: The segmentation is added as part of the assessment for common link approach.
Reminders: The platform will not send out reminders if you use a common link. You will have to send out reminders through your internal email (like you did with the common link).
Email Only Common Link:
An email only common link is used when you would like to track the participants responses. It helps the platform to connect a particular participant response to an email address and help in Anonymous inquiry if the Business user wants to communicate with a participant. Once the participant enters their email an email with the following message is sent out from the platform to them so they can continue their interview from where they left off. “Thank you for registering to complete the assessment. If you have already completed the interview, please disregard this email. If you have not yet submitted feedback, you can re-access the interview through the "begin" button below.”
Name Only Common Link:
A name only Common link is useful when you would like to publish the link to the public via a website page or blog and want as many responses as possible to get your desired results.The platform won’t be able to track the participants and how many times each one responded.The participants will have to complete the interview in one sitting as they won’t be able to go back where they left off and finish responding.